The unusual title
of this poem comes from the first line of The
Birth of Antichrist by William Dunbar a 15th century Scottish
poet. His poem uses the setting of a dream to depict a gruesome battle between
good and evil. Ní Chuilleanáin may have recalled the line when she saw the moon
shining ‘in the silence of the night’; Lucina comes from the Latin for ‘light’
and is very similar to the Latin term for the moon: ‘luna’.
In Brief
This poem recounts
a night spent sleeping in a ruined old chapel without the comforts of modern
civilisation. The poet details her ‘up close’ encounter with nature and the
memories and thoughts the experience brings up for her.
Stanza by Stanza
The poem starts
with an image of a clear starry sky with the poet underneath reading a book by
candlelight. She describes herself as being ‘without roast meat
or music/
Strong drink or a shield from the air’, a description which conjures
up images of a medieval feasting hall.
having to wash in cold bog water and having bats for company she ‘slept
safely’, feeling secure and relaxed in this natural environment.
the third stanza the mood alters:
Behind me the waves
of darkness lay, the plague
Of mice, plague of
Crawling out of the
spines of books,
word ‘plague’, which is repeated three times, hints at times of mass death and
destruction. The ‘waves of darkness’ ‘behind’ her seem to refer to terrible
events from the past. She mentions Cromwell hinting at the violence and
devastation his forces brought to Ireland in the 17th century.
Plague shadowing
pale faces with clay
The disease of the
moon gone astray.
‘Pale faces’
shadowed ‘with clay’ might refer to mass burials of plague victims and ‘the
disease of the moon gone astray’ hints at the old term for mental illness,
lunacy, which comes from the Latin for moon.
The atmosphere
of gloom does not last long in the poem, however, as she asserts: ‘In the desert I
relaxed, amazed’. She is in awe of the
beauty of nature which, for her, is a very positive and heartening presence.
embraced me; the grasshopper
with lark and bee.
The poem is full
of striking natural imagery including:
- The sky: ‘Moon shining in silence of night/ The heaven being all full of stars.’
- The bog water: ‘it was orange, channelled down bogs/ Dipped between cresses’.
- Dark imagery: ‘beetles/ Crawling out of the spines of books’.
- ‘shining in silence of the night’
- ‘Plague shadowing pale faces with clay’.
- ‘Plague shadowing pale faces’
Figurative Language
Stanza 4
consists of an arresting simile
comparing her awe to that of the animals in the mosaic when they first saw the
sky through a hole in the roof:
/ As the mosaic beasts on the
chapel floor
When Cromwell had departed, and they
The sky growing through a hole in the
What is the tone of this poem?